Big Data Management
London Consulting is a consultant and system integrator of the Apache Hadoop Ecosystem, which provides the most comprehensive set of Big Data Analytics tools based on 100% Apache open source.
Our Expertise
Before the introduction of Big Data, companies used to rely on Flat Files and/or Databases to collect, store, and organise data. However with the introduction of systems such as Hadoop and MapReduce, data management has evolved into a new dimension! Concepts that used to be a breakthrough in technology with classical database engines, now are steadily becoming obsolete.
For different reasons, we have chosen to do Hadoop, and we assist our clients to achieve their potentials by understanding their data and its impact by equipping them with the proper infrastructure and tools to derive analytical patterns that would support their decision-making.
The rhetoric question poses itself: Is Big Data for everyone?
It is not easy to answer such open ended question, however with the explosion of data in our information ecosystem, especially unstructured data, and the need for feasible solutions to manage such data in a practical way, and the availability of different technologies, revolving around Big Data such as Hadoop, MapReduce, InMemDB and others, the short answer would be a resounding YES!
HDP is based on
100% Apache
Open Source
Courtesy of Hortonworks Inc.
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